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(512) 926-6339

Sunday Adult Forum: What Language Shall I Borrow?

A Sunday Forum Series on Liturgy, Language, and Culture

October 20 – November 3

One of the verses of that classic hymn, O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded, poignantly asks, “What language shall I borrow to thank thee dearest friend?” It is difficult to wrap language around the mystery of God’s giving of God’s self for us. No words are sufficient, and yet the Spirit calls forth our voices.

How does our liturgy (the words we use to speak to and of God) speak to people from different cultures, different backgrounds, different paths? The Rev. Eileen O’Brien will facilitate this conversation with some special guests who are taking on this question from different vantage points. This is a critical conversation for the St. James’ community as we explore what it means to be multicultural and inclusive.

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