1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Want to Help with Ashes for the Journey?

As we have done for the last 4 years, St. James’ volunteers will be going to local stores on Ash Wednesday, February 26, to share in Ash Wednesday with our neighbors. We do this to meet people where they are, people who would not otherwise be able to go to church to observe the day. Ash Wednesday means embarking on a new journey of repentance and setting out on a new path through life. When we take ashes out from the sanctuary, we hope that this visible sign will remind others about the Gospel, that is grace-filled good news for all people. Participants find this to be a moving experience for them. We will head out from the narthex at noon and 4 pm.

If you would like to volunteer for this ministry, please contact Jim Harrington at jim@stjamesaustin.org. There will be a short orientation after the 10:15 service on Feb. 23, the Sunday before Ash Wednesday.

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