1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Worship Ministries

Worship is the joyous gathering of those who seek to meet the risen Lord.  It is the creative and life-renewing space where our vulnerability to the pain and beauty of the world meets God’s unconditional vulnerability and openness to all of humanity.

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee is comprised of lay leaders from each of the Sunday worshipping communities at St. James’.  Its primary tasks are establishing our yearly liturgical calendar with its various special commemorations, developing the shape of combined services, thinking through how each liturgical season shapes our practices of worship, and developing ways to better welcome and include people of various ages and backgrounds in our liturgies.  If you are interested in serving on the Liturgy Committee, contact The Rev. Eileen O’Brien (rector@stjamesaustin.org).

Altar Guild

St. James’ has an incredible altar guild!  The altar guild works behind the scenes to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar guild members prepare for in-person services and for filming worship. Altar guild members also supervise the decoration of the sanctuary for special times of the year.  If you are looking for a behind-the-scenes ministry that is meaningful to the life of a community that delights in the beauty of worship, contact Pam Daniel (pdaniel70@gmail.com).

Liturgical Ministries

Acolytes & Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Youth and adult acolytes and eucharistic ministers serve during our eucharistic services in partnership with clergy and ushers. Contact Ms. Georgetta or the church office (office@stjamesaustin.org) if you would like to join a team or brush up on your skills.

Lectors and Intercessors

At every service, lectors and intercessors proclaim God’s word to us through the readings and they assist us in speaking before God through the prayers of the people.  Trainings are designed to offer interpretive insight into the readings and the prayers of the liturgical season ahead in order to deepen preparation. If you would like to be trained as a lector or intercessor, contact the church office (office@stjamesaustin.org), and we will get you connected. Functional fluency in Spanish is expected of lectors in Spanish.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Lay Eucharistic Visitors help us to extend our table of welcome into the community.  Family members may be trained to take communion from our common table to elder members of their household, but we are also seeking individuals who can take communion to homebound community members. If you would like to be trained, contact the church office (office@stjamesaustin.org).

Ushers & Greeters

At each in-person service, ushers greet and orient those who come to worship. They are essential in welcoming people, orienting them so they know how to participate, and making them feel at home.  If you would like to be trained as an usher, contact the church office (office@stjamesaustin.org).

Music Ministries

The 10:30 am Choir

The 10:30 am Choir, under the direction of Music Minister HouFei Yang and with the accompaniment of Sharon Coleman, comes together on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am for rehearsal.  Additional monthly rehearsals on Wednesday nights at 7 pm help the choir come together in song.  If you are interested in singing with us or offering some other musical gift, please contact our Music Minister HouFei Yang, houfei@stjamesaustin.org.

The 1:00 Coro

Making music is a collaborative endeavor at the 1 pm service in Spanish. Contact Francisco and Lucia Chavez (luciachavez906@gmail.com) for more information.

The Late Service Choir (5 pm)

Martha Pulkingham, our worship leader for the 5 pm service, directs this energetic choir with the accompaniment of Shawn Ellison.  This choir rehearses on Sundays at 4 pm, prior to the service.  If you are interested in singing with us or offering some other musical gift, please contact Martha at mpulkingham@gmail.com.